2024 Mountaineer Readers Recognized

As a partnership between the Reich College of Education's Public School Partnership (PSP), the Appalachian State Athletics Department, Appalachain State University, school-based library/ media centers, and our public school elementary partners, it is an honor to recognize the participants of the 2024 Mountaineer Readers Program!
Through the Mountaineer Readers Program, students, classrooms, and schools in our Public School Partnership receive incentives for summer reading in grades 1 through 8! Every year, amazing School Library Media Coordinators (SLMCs) collect completed reading logs from students after the summer break and work tirelessly to compile the data of their students' pages read. SLMCs report on individual reader's data, classroom data, and school data and then submit those numbers to the PSP!
All 760 students who participated this year will receive a small branded App State item and a voucher for an App State Baseball Game and an App State Women’s Basketball Game in the coming months.
Congratulations to all who participated, and a special thank you to App State Athletics for this amazing partnership experience!
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body!" ~Joseph Addison